Streamlyne/IRB workshop Resources

The folks who very generously put on the recent Streamlyne/IRB workshop have a lot of materials to share. You can download them from my Dropbox using the following links.
  1. Here, please find a variety of "quick guides," information on how to access and use Streamlyne, and information on the IRB process.  Download: here.
  2. An email from Michelle Gavin with an absolute wealth of information on policies and procedures.  Download: here.
  3. A summary video (pulled together by David Rutledge) that replaces a recording of the workshop, as we had trouble with the Zoom recording.  Access the recording: here.
  4. A copy of the slides used at the presentation.  Download: here.
My sincere thanks to David Rutledge, Michelle Gavin, Julie Steinkopf, Joe Tomaka, and Michael Toje for the time and effort they put into offering this workshop for the College.